Safe Use of Essential Oils
Statement from The Canadian Federation Of Aromatherapists
Safe use of Essential Oils

The CFA does not recommend nor condone the application of undiluted essential oils.
The CFA does not recommend nor condone the ingestion of any essential oil in any manner.
Application of undiluted essential oils or ingestion of oils is considered a breach of the Code of Ethics of the CFA.
Essential oils can be irritating and sensitizing and some chemical constituents have the potential to cause systemic toxicity if used improperly.
Therefore safe use is absolutely critical.
The CFA highly recommends that when using essential oils you seek professional advice from a Registered Certified Aromatherapist affiliated with a professional organization that maintains educational and practice standards for its members.
Respect Essential Oils
they have medicinal & therapeutic properties and should be respected as drugs
Essential oils are complicated compounds containing up to one hundred different chemical components.
Each essential oil is multi-talented – having more than one single property, eg anti-inflammatory, calming or stimulating, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antispasmodic, mildly analgesic etc.
Understanding the properties of the oils, and having an awareness of the client’s underlying which might indicate Contra-indication of an oil, is vital.
Certain Oils are contra-indicated for pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Care is required for young children, the frail and the elderly who have delicate skin and greater potential for serious harm.
Some oils should not be used when driving or using machinery
Therapeutic margin - Everyone has a unique metabolism, vitality, and physical makeup. An acceptable dose for you may not be appropriate for others. Never administer more than the recommended dose of essential oils or use oil for an extended period of time if it is not recommended; they are concentrated substances and some have a low therapeutic margin, meaning there is a low dividing line between a beneficial dose and a toxic dose.
Allergic reactions, skin sensitization, skin irritation, and photosensitivity can occur. There may be no initial reaction, but a reaction can occur after 3 or 4 exposures. If this occurs CEASE use immediately and seek professional medical advice.
Find out More at the BCAOA